James F Jenks, Takumi Maekawa, Yasunari Shigeta, David Ware, Arnaud Brayard, Kevin G Bylund, Daniel A Stephen, Noreen Kittrick, 2025, Early Dienerian ammonoids and nautiloids and a new late Griesbachian ammonoid site from the Dinwoody Formation (Thaynes Group) at Crittenden Springs, Elko County, Nevada. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 97, p.1-29
Bylund, K.G., and Stephen, D.A., in press, Late Early Coniacian (Cretaceous) Ammonites from central Utah, In: Slattery, J.S., Larson, N.L., Bingle-Davis, M., and Bingle-Davis, M. (eds.), Insights into the Cretaceous: Building on the Legacy of William A. Cobban (1916-2015), American Association of Petroleum Geologists and Wyoming Geological Association Special Volume.
Smith CPA, Aubier P, Charbonnier S, Laville T, Olivier N, Escarguel G, Jenks JF, Bylund KG, Fara E, Brayard A., 2023, Closing a major gap in mantis shrimp evolution - first fossils of Stomatopoda from the Triassic, Bulletin of Geosciences, volume 98, issue 1; pages: 95 - 110
Smith, C.P.A., Charbonnier, S., Jenks, J.F., Bylund, K.G., Escarguel, G., Olivier, N., Fara, E., and Brayard, A., 2022, The Paris Biota decapod (Arthropoda) fauna and the diversity of Triassic decapods, Journal of Paleontology DOI:
Smith, C.P.A., Laville, T., Fara, E., Escarguel, G., Olivier, N., Vennin, E., Goudemand, N., Bylund, K.G., Jenks, J.F., Stephen, D.A., Hautmann, M., Charbonnier, S., Krumenacker, L.J., & Brayard, A., 2021, Exceptional fossil assemblages confirm the existence of complex Early Triassic ecosystems during the early Spathian. Scientific Reports 11, 19657 (2021).
Brayard, A., Jenks, J.F., Bylund, K.G., Olivier, N., Vennin, E., Stephen, D.A., Escarguel, G., and Fara, E., 2021, Latest Smithian (Early Triassic) ammonoid assemblages in Utah (western USA basin) and their implications for regional biostratigraphy, biogeography and placement of the Smithian/Spathian boundary. Geobios.
Jenks, J.F., Maekawa, T., Ware, D., Shigeta, Y., Brayard, A., and Bylund, K.G., 2021, Late Griesbachian (Early Triassic) Ammonoids and Nautiloids from the Dinwoody Formation at Crittendon Springs, Elko County, Nevada. New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science, Bulletin 86.
Brayard, A., Olivier, N., Vennin, E., Jenks, J.F., Bylund, K.G., Stephen, D.A., McShinsky, D., Goudemand, N., Fara, E., Escarguel, G., 2020, New middle and late Smithian ammonoid faunas from the Utah/Arizona border: New evidence for calibrating Early Triassic transgressive-regressive trends and paleobiogeographical signals in the western USA basin, Global and Planetary Change, 192,
Botting, J.P., Brayard, A., the Paris Biota Team, 2019. A late-surviving Triassic
protomonaxonid sponge from the Paris Biota (Bear Lake County, Idaho, USA).
Geobios 54, 5-11.
Brayard, A., Gueriau, P., Thoury, M., Escarguel, G., the Paris Biota Team, 2019a. Glow
in the dark: use of synchrotron mXRF trace elemental mapping and multispectral
macro-imaging on fossils from the Paris Biota (Bear Lake County, Idaho,
USA). Geobios 54, 71-79.
Brayard, A., Jenks, J.F., Bylund, K.G., the Paris Biota Team, 2019b. Ammonoids and
nautiloids from the earliest Spathian Paris Biota and other early Spathian
localities in southeastern Idaho, USA. Geobios 54, 13-36.
Charbonnier, S., Brayard, A., the Paris Biota Team, 2019. New thylacocephalans from
the Early Triassic Paris Biota (Bear Lake County, Idaho, USA). Geobios 54, 37–43.
Iniesto, M., Thomazo, C., Fara, E., the Paris Biota Team, 2019. Deciphering the
exceptional preservation of the Early Triassic Paris Biota (Bear Lake County,
Idaho, USA). Geobios 54, 81-93.
Romano, C., Argyriou, T., Krumenacker, L.J., the Paris Biota Team, 2019. Chondrichthyan
teeth from the Early Triassic Paris Biota (Bear Lake County, Idaho, USA).
Geobios 54, 63-70.
Saucede, T., Vennin, E., Fara, E., Olivier, N., the Paris Biota Team, 2019. A new
holocrinid (Articulata) from the Paris Biota (Bear Lake County, Idaho, USA)
highlights the high diversity of Early Triassic crinoids. Geobios 54, 45-53.
Thuy, B., Escarguel, G., the Paris Biota Team, 2019. A new brittle star (Ophiuroidea:
Ophiodermatina) from the Early Triassic Paris Biota (Bear Lake County, Idaho,
USA). Geobios 54, 55-61.
C. Thomazo, A. Brayard, S. Elmeknassi, E. Vennin, N. Olivier, G. Caravaca, G. Escarguel, E. Fara, K.G. Bylund, J.F. Jenks, D.A. Stephen, B. Killingsworth, P. Sansjofre, P. Cartigny, 2018, Multiple sulfur isotope signals associated with the late Smithian event and the Smithian/Spathian boundary, Earth-Science Reviews (CP)
Larisa A Doguzhaeva, Arnaud Brayard, Nicolas Goudemand, Laurel J Krumenacker, James F Jenks, Kevin G Bylund, Emmanuel Fara, Nicolas Olivier, Emmanuelle Vennin, Gilles Escarguel, 2018, An Early Triassic gladius associated with soft tissue remains from Idaho, USA—a squid-like coleoid cephalopod at the onset of Mesozoic Era, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 63:2 p341-355
Romain Jattiot, Arnaud Brayard, Hugo Bucher, Emmanuelle Vennin, Gwenael Caravaca, James F Jenks, Kevin G Bylund, Gilles Escarguel, 2018, Palaeobiogeographical distribution of Smithian (Early Triassic) ammonoid faunas within the western USA basin and its controlling parameters, Palaeontology
Nicolas Olivier, Emmanuel Fara, Emmanuelle Vennin, Kevin G Bylund, James F Jenks, Gilles Escarguel, Daniel A Stephen, Nicolas Goudemand, Dawn Snyder, Christophe Thomazo, Arnaud Brayard, 2018, Late Smithian microbial deposits and their lateral marine fossiliferous limestones (Early Triassic, Hurricane Cliffs, Utah, USA) Facies 64:2 13 pg.
Grosjean, Anne-Sabine; Vennin, Emmanuelle; Olivier, Nicolas; Caravaca, Gwénaël; Thomazo, Christophe; Fara, Emmanuel; Escarguel, Gilles; Bylund, Kevin G.; Jenks, James F.; Stephen, Daniel A.; Brayard, Arnaud; 2018, Early Triassic environmental dynamics and microbial development during the Smithian–Spathian transition (Lower Weber Canyon, Utah, USA) Sedimentary Geology, 363, p 136-151
Jattiot, R., Bucher, H., Brayard, A., Brosse,M., Jenks, J.F., Bylund, K.G., 2017. Smithian ammonoid faunas from northeastern Nevada: implications for Early Triassic biostratigraphy and correlation within the western USA basin. Palaeontographica A (Paleozoology, Stratigraphy) 309, 1–89.
Romano, C., Jenks, J., Jattiot, R., Scheyer, T., Bylund, K. G., & Bucher, H. 2017. Marine Early Triassic Actinopterygii from Elko County (Nevada, USA): Implications for the Smithian equatorial vertebrate eclipse. Journal of Paleontology
Gwénaël Caravaca, Christophe Thomazo, Emmanuelle Vennin, Nicolas Olivier, Théophile Cocquerez, Gilles Escarguel, Emmanuel Fara, James F. Jenks, Kevin G. Bylund, Daniel A. Stephen, Arnaud Brayard, 2017, Early Triassic fluctuations of the global carbon cycle: New evidence from paired carbon isotopes in the western USA basin, Global and Planetary Change
A. Brayard, L. J. Krumenacker, J. P. Botting, J. F. Jenks, K. G. Bylund, E. Fara, E. Vennin, N. Olivier, N. Goudemand, T. Saucède, S. Charbonnier, C. Romano, L. Doguzhaeva, B. Thuy, M. Hautmann, D. A. Stephen, C. Thomazo, G. Escarguel, 2017, Unexpected Early Triassic marine ecosystem and the rise of the Modern evolutionary fauna. Science Advances
Thomazo, C; E. Vennin, A. Brayard, I. Bour, O. Mathieu, S. Elmeknassi, N. Olivier, G. Escarguel, K. G. Bylund, J. Jenks, D. A. Stephen, E. Fara, 2016, A diagenetic control on the Early Triassic Smithian–Spathian carbon isotopic excursions recorded in the marine settings of the Thaynes Group (Utah, USA) , Geobiology
Brayard, Arnaud; Meier, Maximiliano; Escarguel, Gilles; Fara, Emmanuel; Nützel, Alexander; Olivier, Nicolas; Bylund, Kevin G; Jenks, James F; Stephen, Daniel A; Hautmann, Michael; 2015; Early Triassic Gulliver gastropods: Spatio-temporal distribution and significance for biotic recovery after the end-Permian mass extinction; Earth-Science Reviews
Vennin, Emmanuelle; Olivier, Nicolas; Brayard, Arnaud; Bour, Ivan; Thomazo, Christophe; Escarguel, Gilles; Fara, Emmanuel; Bylund, Kevin G; Jenks, James F; Stephen, Daniel; 2015; Microbial deposits in the aftermath of the end-Permian mass extinction: A diverging case from the Mineral Mountains (Utah, USA); Sedimentology
Olivier, Nicolas; Brayard, Arnaud; Vennin, Emmanuelle; Escarguel, Gilles; Fara, Emmanuel; Bylund, Kevin G; Jenks, James F; Caravaca, Gwénaël; Stephen, Daniel A; 2015; Evolution of depositional settings in the Torrey area during the Smithian (Early Triassic, Utah, USA) and their significance for the biotic recovery; Geological Journal
Olivier, Nicolas; Brayard, Arnaud; Fara, Emmanuel; Bylund, Kevin G; Jenks, James F; Vennin, Emmanuelle; Stephen, Daniel A; Escarguel, Gilles; 2014; Smithian shoreline migrations and depositional settings in Timpoweap Canyon (Early Triassic, Utah, USA); Geological Magazine
Hofmann, Richard; Hautmann, Michael; Brayard, Arnaud; Nützel, Alexander; Bylund, Kevin G; Jenks, James F; Vennin, Emmanuelle; Olivier, Nicolas; Bucher, Hugo; 2014; Recovery of benthic marine communities from the end-Permian mass extinction at the low latitudes of eastern Panthalassa; Palaeontology
Brayard, Arnaud; Bylund, Kevin G; Jenks, James F; Stephen, Daniel A; Olivier, Nicolas; Escarguel, Gilles; Fara, Emmanuel; Vennin, Emmanuelle; 2013; Smithian ammonoid faunas from Utah: implications for Early Triassic biostratigraphy, correlation and basinal paleogeography. Swiss Journal of Paleontology.
Stephen, Daniel A; Bylund, Kevin G; Garcia, Patricia; McShinsky, R Dawn; Carter, Holly Jean; 2012; Taphonomy of dense concentrations of juvenile ammonoids in the Upper Cretaceous Mancos Shale, east-central Utah, USA. Geobios45(1):121-128.
Brayard, Arnaud; Vennin, Emmanuelle; Olivier, Nicolas; Bylund, Kevin G; Jenks, Jim; Stephen, Daniel A; Bucher, Hugo; Hofmann, Richard; Goudemand, Nicolas; Escarguel, Gilles; 2011; Transient metazoan reefs in the aftermath of the end-Permian mass extinction, NatureGeoscience,Vol. 4, no. 10.
Arnaud Brayard, Alexander Nützel, Andrzej Kaim, Gilles Escarguel, Michael Hautmann, Daniel A. Stephen, Kevin G. Bylund, Jim Jenks, and Hugo Bucher, 2011, Gastropod evidence against the Early Triassic Lilliput effect: REPLY Geology, v. 39, p. e233
Stephen, Daniel A.; Bylund, Kevin G.; Bybee, Paul J.; Ream, Wesley J.; 2010; Ammonoid beds in the Lower Triassic Thaynes Formation of western Utah, USA; Cephalopods: Present and Past, edited by K. Tanabe, Y. Shigeta and T. Sasaki & H. Hirano. Tokai University Press, Tokyo, p. 243-252
Brayard, Arnaud; Nützel, Alexander; Stephen, Daniel A; Bylund, Kevin G; Jenks, Jim; Bucher, Hugo; 2010; Gastropod evidence against the Early Triassic Lilliput effect, Geology , v. 38, no. 2, p. 147-150. See the story on Science Daily
Pisera, A; Rigby, J K; Bylund, K G; 1996; Lower Triassic hexactinellid sponges from the Confusion Range, Western Utah; Brigham Young University Geology Studies, vol. 27, pt 2 Download a copy Here
Pictures of ammonoids I have collected have been published in:
Hintze, L. F., and Davis, F. D., 2003, Geology of Millard County, Utah: Utah Geological Survey Bulletin 133
Hintze, L. F., 2005, Utah's Spectacular Geology: How It Came to Be: BYU Print Services
Colin Dunlop and Nancy King, , 2008, Cephalopods: Octopuses and Cuttlefish for the Home Aquarium, TFH Publications
Hintze, L. F., and Kowallis, B. J., 2009, Geologic History of Utah: BYU Geology Studies, Special Publication 9
D.A. STEPHEN, K.G. BYLUND, H.J. CARTER, P. GARCIA, 2010, Taphonomy of dense concentrations of juvenile ammonoids in the Mancos Shale, east-central Utah, USA, 8th International Symposium, Cephalopods – Present and Past (Dijon – France 2010), Oral presentation, Abstract volume.
K.G. BYLUND and; D.A. STEPHEN, 2010, Coniacian (Late Cretaceous) ammonoid fauna of eastern Utah, USA, 8th International Symposium, Cephalopods – Present and Past (Dijon – France 2010) Poster Abstract volume.
K.G. BYLUND, D.A. STEPHEN, A. BRAYARD, H. BUCHER, J. JENKS, R.D. McSHINSKY, 2010, Early Triassic ammonoids from the Pahvant Range, Utah, USA, 8th International Symposium, Cephalopods – Present and Past (Dijon – France 2010) Poster Abstract volume.
D.A. STEPHEN & K.G. BYLUND, 2010, Late Cretaceous nautiloids from eastern Utah, USA, 8th International Symposium, Cephalopods – Present and Past (Dijon – France 2010) Poster Abstract volume.
Daniel A. Stephen, Kevin G. Bylund, Arnaud Brayard, and Hugo Bucher, 2009, LOWER TRIASSIC AMMONOID BIOSTRATIGRAPHY OF CENTRAL AND WESTERN UTAH, 9th North American Paleontological Convention, June 21-26, 2009, Cincinatti, Ohio.
STEPHEN, Daniel A., MENLOVE, Lara, GOUDEMAND, Nicolas, BYLUND, Kevin G., BRAYARD, Arnaud, McSHINSKY, RaNae Dawn, BUCHER, Hugo, and JENKS, Jim, 2009: EARLY TRIASSIC CONODONTS IN THE PAHVANT RANGE OF CENTRAL UTAH: Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 41, No. 6 Geological Society of America, Rocky Mountain Section (61st Annual) Meeting (11–13 May 2009)
BYLUND, Kevin G., STEPHEN, Daniel A., BRAYARD, Arnaud, BUCHER, Hugo, JENKS, Jim, and McSHINSKY, RaNae Dawn, 2009: AMMONOIDS OF THE LOWER TRIASSIC THAYNES GROUP IN THE PAHVANT RANGE, UTAH: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 41, No. 6, Rocky Mountain Section (61st Annual) Meeting (11–13 May 2009)
Dan Stephen, Kevin Bylund, Paul Bybee and Wes Ream, 2008, LOWER TRIASSIC AMMONOID BEDS IN THE CONFUSION RANGE OF WESTERN UTAH: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 40, No. 1, Cordilleran Section (104th Annual) and Rocky Mountain Section (60th Annual) Joint Meeting (19–21 March 2008), pg. 59 (be sure to download a copy (4.8M pdf) of the presentation I gave "presentation handout"
Dan Stephen, Kevin Bylund, Paul Bybee and Wes Ream, 2007, AMMONOID MASS MORTALITY BEDS IN THE LOWER TRIASSIC THAYNES FORMATION OF WESTERN UTAH, USA: Seventh International Symposium Cephalopods – Present and Past, 2007, Sapporo, Japan. Abstracts of Oral Presentations, pg. 33
Brayard, A., Olivier, N., Vennin, E., Jenks, J.F., Bylund, K.G., Stephen, D.A., McShinsky, D., Goudemand, N., Fara, E., Escarguel, G., 2020, New middle and late Smithian ammonoid faunas from the Utah/Arizona border: New evidence for calibrating Early Triassic transgressive-regressive trends and paleobiogeographical signals in the western USA basin, Global and Planetary Change, 192,
Botting, J.P., Brayard, A., the Paris Biota Team, 2019. A late-surviving Triassic
protomonaxonid sponge from the Paris Biota (Bear Lake County, Idaho, USA).
Geobios 54, 5-11.
Brayard, A., Gueriau, P., Thoury, M., Escarguel, G., the Paris Biota Team, 2019a. Glow
in the dark: use of synchrotron mXRF trace elemental mapping and multispectral
macro-imaging on fossils from the Paris Biota (Bear Lake County, Idaho,
USA). Geobios 54, 71-79.
Brayard, A., Jenks, J.F., Bylund, K.G., the Paris Biota Team, 2019b. Ammonoids and
nautiloids from the earliest Spathian Paris Biota and other early Spathian
localities in southeastern Idaho, USA. Geobios 54, 13-36.
Charbonnier, S., Brayard, A., the Paris Biota Team, 2019. New thylacocephalans from
the Early Triassic Paris Biota (Bear Lake County, Idaho, USA). Geobios 54, 37–43.
Iniesto, M., Thomazo, C., Fara, E., the Paris Biota Team, 2019. Deciphering the
exceptional preservation of the Early Triassic Paris Biota (Bear Lake County,
Idaho, USA). Geobios 54, 81-93.
Romano, C., Argyriou, T., Krumenacker, L.J., the Paris Biota Team, 2019. Chondrichthyan
teeth from the Early Triassic Paris Biota (Bear Lake County, Idaho, USA).
Geobios 54, 63-70.
Saucede, T., Vennin, E., Fara, E., Olivier, N., the Paris Biota Team, 2019. A new
holocrinid (Articulata) from the Paris Biota (Bear Lake County, Idaho, USA)
highlights the high diversity of Early Triassic crinoids. Geobios 54, 45-53.
Thuy, B., Escarguel, G., the Paris Biota Team, 2019. A new brittle star (Ophiuroidea:
Ophiodermatina) from the Early Triassic Paris Biota (Bear Lake County, Idaho,
USA). Geobios 54, 55-61.
C. Thomazo, A. Brayard, S. Elmeknassi, E. Vennin, N. Olivier, G. Caravaca, G. Escarguel, E. Fara, K.G. Bylund, J.F. Jenks, D.A. Stephen, B. Killingsworth, P. Sansjofre, P. Cartigny, 2018, Multiple sulfur isotope signals associated with the late Smithian event and the Smithian/Spathian boundary, Earth-Science Reviews (CP)
Larisa A Doguzhaeva, Arnaud Brayard, Nicolas Goudemand, Laurel J Krumenacker, James F Jenks, Kevin G Bylund, Emmanuel Fara, Nicolas Olivier, Emmanuelle Vennin, Gilles Escarguel, 2018, An Early Triassic gladius associated with soft tissue remains from Idaho, USA—a squid-like coleoid cephalopod at the onset of Mesozoic Era, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 63:2 p341-355
Romain Jattiot, Arnaud Brayard, Hugo Bucher, Emmanuelle Vennin, Gwenael Caravaca, James F Jenks, Kevin G Bylund, Gilles Escarguel, 2018, Palaeobiogeographical distribution of Smithian (Early Triassic) ammonoid faunas within the western USA basin and its controlling parameters, Palaeontology
Nicolas Olivier, Emmanuel Fara, Emmanuelle Vennin, Kevin G Bylund, James F Jenks, Gilles Escarguel, Daniel A Stephen, Nicolas Goudemand, Dawn Snyder, Christophe Thomazo, Arnaud Brayard, 2018, Late Smithian microbial deposits and their lateral marine fossiliferous limestones (Early Triassic, Hurricane Cliffs, Utah, USA) Facies 64:2 13 pg.
Grosjean, Anne-Sabine; Vennin, Emmanuelle; Olivier, Nicolas; Caravaca, Gwénaël; Thomazo, Christophe; Fara, Emmanuel; Escarguel, Gilles; Bylund, Kevin G.; Jenks, James F.; Stephen, Daniel A.; Brayard, Arnaud; 2018, Early Triassic environmental dynamics and microbial development during the Smithian–Spathian transition (Lower Weber Canyon, Utah, USA) Sedimentary Geology, 363, p 136-151
Jattiot, R., Bucher, H., Brayard, A., Brosse,M., Jenks, J.F., Bylund, K.G., 2017. Smithian ammonoid faunas from northeastern Nevada: implications for Early Triassic biostratigraphy and correlation within the western USA basin. Palaeontographica A (Paleozoology, Stratigraphy) 309, 1–89.
Gwénaël Caravaca, Christophe Thomazo, Emmanuelle Vennin, Nicolas Olivier, Théophile Cocquerez, Gilles Escarguel, Emmanuel Fara, James F. Jenks, Kevin G. Bylund, Daniel A. Stephen, Arnaud Brayard, 2017, Early Triassic fluctuations of the global carbon cycle: New evidence from paired carbon isotopes in the western USA basin, Global and Planetary Change
Loïc Villier, Arnaud Brayard, Kevin G. Bylund, James F. Jenks, Gilles Escarguel, Nicolas Olivier,
Daniel A. Stephen, Emmanuelle Vennin, and Emmanuel Fara, 2017, Superstesaster
promissor gen. et sp. nov., a new starfish (Echinodermata, Asteroidea) from
the Early Triassic of Utah, USA, filling a major gap in the phylogeny of
asteroids, Journal Of Systematic Palaeontology
Gwénaël Caravaca, Arnaud Brayard, Emmanuelle Vennin, Michel
Guiraud, Laetitia Le Pourhiet, Anne-Sabine Grosjean, Christophe Thomazo,
Nicolas Olivier, Emmanuel Fara, Gilles Escarguel, Kevin G Bylund, James F Jenks, Daniel A Stephen, 2017, Controlling factors for
differential subsidence in the Sonoma Foreland Basin (Early Triassic, western
USA), Geological Magazine
A. Brayard, L. J. Krumenacker, J. P. Botting, J. F. Jenks, K. G. Bylund, E. Fara, E. Vennin, N. Olivier, N. Goudemand, T. Saucède, S. Charbonnier, C. Romano, L. Doguzhaeva, B. Thuy, M. Hautmann, D. A. Stephen, C. Thomazo, G. Escarguel, 2017, Unexpected Early Triassic marine ecosystem and the rise of the Modern evolutionary fauna. Science Advances
Thomazo, C; E. Vennin, A. Brayard, I. Bour, O. Mathieu, S. Elmeknassi, N. Olivier, G. Escarguel, K. G. Bylund, J. Jenks, D. A. Stephen, E. Fara, 2016, A diagenetic control on the Early Triassic Smithian–Spathian carbon isotopic excursions recorded in the marine settings of the Thaynes Group (Utah, USA) , Geobiology
Brayard, Arnaud; Meier, Maximiliano; Escarguel, Gilles; Fara, Emmanuel; Nützel, Alexander; Olivier, Nicolas; Bylund, Kevin G; Jenks, James F; Stephen, Daniel A; Hautmann, Michael; 2015; Early Triassic Gulliver gastropods: Spatio-temporal distribution and significance for biotic recovery after the end-Permian mass extinction; Earth-Science Reviews
Vennin, Emmanuelle; Olivier, Nicolas; Brayard, Arnaud; Bour, Ivan; Thomazo, Christophe; Escarguel, Gilles; Fara, Emmanuel; Bylund, Kevin G; Jenks, James F; Stephen, Daniel; 2015; Microbial deposits in the aftermath of the end-Permian mass extinction: A diverging case from the Mineral Mountains (Utah, USA); Sedimentology
Olivier, Nicolas; Brayard, Arnaud; Vennin, Emmanuelle; Escarguel, Gilles; Fara, Emmanuel; Bylund, Kevin G; Jenks, James F; Caravaca, Gwénaël; Stephen, Daniel A; 2015; Evolution of depositional settings in the Torrey area during the Smithian (Early Triassic, Utah, USA) and their significance for the biotic recovery; Geological Journal
Olivier, Nicolas; Brayard, Arnaud; Fara, Emmanuel; Bylund, Kevin G; Jenks, James F; Vennin, Emmanuelle; Stephen, Daniel A; Escarguel, Gilles; 2014; Smithian shoreline migrations and depositional settings in Timpoweap Canyon (Early Triassic, Utah, USA); Geological Magazine
Hofmann, Richard; Hautmann, Michael; Brayard, Arnaud; Nützel, Alexander; Bylund, Kevin G; Jenks, James F; Vennin, Emmanuelle; Olivier, Nicolas; Bucher, Hugo; 2014; Recovery of benthic marine communities from the end-Permian mass extinction at the low latitudes of eastern Panthalassa; Palaeontology
Brayard, Arnaud; Bylund, Kevin G; Jenks, James F; Stephen, Daniel A; Olivier, Nicolas; Escarguel, Gilles; Fara, Emmanuel; Vennin, Emmanuelle; 2013; Smithian ammonoid faunas from Utah: implications for Early Triassic biostratigraphy, correlation and basinal paleogeography. Swiss Journal of Paleontology.
Stephen, Daniel A; Bylund, Kevin G; Garcia, Patricia; McShinsky, R Dawn; Carter, Holly Jean; 2012; Taphonomy of dense concentrations of juvenile ammonoids in the Upper Cretaceous Mancos Shale, east-central Utah, USA. Geobios45(1):121-128.
Brayard, Arnaud; Vennin, Emmanuelle; Olivier, Nicolas; Bylund, Kevin G; Jenks, Jim; Stephen, Daniel A; Bucher, Hugo; Hofmann, Richard; Goudemand, Nicolas; Escarguel, Gilles; 2011; Transient metazoan reefs in the aftermath of the end-Permian mass extinction, NatureGeoscience,Vol. 4, no. 10.
Arnaud Brayard, Alexander Nützel, Andrzej Kaim, Gilles Escarguel, Michael Hautmann, Daniel A. Stephen, Kevin G. Bylund, Jim Jenks, and Hugo Bucher, 2011, Gastropod evidence against the Early Triassic Lilliput effect: REPLY Geology, v. 39, p. e233
Stephen, Daniel A.; Bylund, Kevin G.; Bybee, Paul J.; Ream, Wesley J.; 2010; Ammonoid beds in the Lower Triassic Thaynes Formation of western Utah, USA; Cephalopods: Present and Past, edited by K. Tanabe, Y. Shigeta and T. Sasaki & H. Hirano. Tokai University Press, Tokyo, p. 243-252
Brayard, Arnaud; Nützel, Alexander; Stephen, Daniel A; Bylund, Kevin G; Jenks, Jim; Bucher, Hugo; 2010; Gastropod evidence against the Early Triassic Lilliput effect, Geology , v. 38, no. 2, p. 147-150. See the story on Science Daily
Pisera, A; Rigby, J K; Bylund, K G; 1996; Lower Triassic hexactinellid sponges from the Confusion Range, Western Utah; Brigham Young University Geology Studies, vol. 27, pt 2 Download a copy Here
Pictures of ammonoids I have collected have been published in:
Hintze, L. F., and Davis, F. D., 2003, Geology of Millard County, Utah: Utah Geological Survey Bulletin 133
Hintze, L. F., 2005, Utah's Spectacular Geology: How It Came to Be: BYU Print Services
Colin Dunlop and Nancy King, , 2008, Cephalopods: Octopuses and Cuttlefish for the Home Aquarium, TFH Publications
Hintze, L. F., and Kowallis, B. J., 2009, Geologic History of Utah: BYU Geology Studies, Special Publication 9
D.A. STEPHEN, K.G. BYLUND, H.J. CARTER, P. GARCIA, 2010, Taphonomy of dense concentrations of juvenile ammonoids in the Mancos Shale, east-central Utah, USA, 8th International Symposium, Cephalopods – Present and Past (Dijon – France 2010), Oral presentation, Abstract volume.
K.G. BYLUND and; D.A. STEPHEN, 2010, Coniacian (Late Cretaceous) ammonoid fauna of eastern Utah, USA, 8th International Symposium, Cephalopods – Present and Past (Dijon – France 2010) Poster Abstract volume.
K.G. BYLUND, D.A. STEPHEN, A. BRAYARD, H. BUCHER, J. JENKS, R.D. McSHINSKY, 2010, Early Triassic ammonoids from the Pahvant Range, Utah, USA, 8th International Symposium, Cephalopods – Present and Past (Dijon – France 2010) Poster Abstract volume.
D.A. STEPHEN & K.G. BYLUND, 2010, Late Cretaceous nautiloids from eastern Utah, USA, 8th International Symposium, Cephalopods – Present and Past (Dijon – France 2010) Poster Abstract volume.
Daniel A. Stephen, Kevin G. Bylund, Arnaud Brayard, and Hugo Bucher, 2009, LOWER TRIASSIC AMMONOID BIOSTRATIGRAPHY OF CENTRAL AND WESTERN UTAH, 9th North American Paleontological Convention, June 21-26, 2009, Cincinatti, Ohio.
STEPHEN, Daniel A., MENLOVE, Lara, GOUDEMAND, Nicolas, BYLUND, Kevin G., BRAYARD, Arnaud, McSHINSKY, RaNae Dawn, BUCHER, Hugo, and JENKS, Jim, 2009: EARLY TRIASSIC CONODONTS IN THE PAHVANT RANGE OF CENTRAL UTAH: Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 41, No. 6 Geological Society of America, Rocky Mountain Section (61st Annual) Meeting (11–13 May 2009)
BYLUND, Kevin G., STEPHEN, Daniel A., BRAYARD, Arnaud, BUCHER, Hugo, JENKS, Jim, and McSHINSKY, RaNae Dawn, 2009: AMMONOIDS OF THE LOWER TRIASSIC THAYNES GROUP IN THE PAHVANT RANGE, UTAH: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 41, No. 6, Rocky Mountain Section (61st Annual) Meeting (11–13 May 2009)
Dan Stephen, Kevin Bylund, Paul Bybee and Wes Ream, 2008, LOWER TRIASSIC AMMONOID BEDS IN THE CONFUSION RANGE OF WESTERN UTAH: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 40, No. 1, Cordilleran Section (104th Annual) and Rocky Mountain Section (60th Annual) Joint Meeting (19–21 March 2008), pg. 59 (be sure to download a copy (4.8M pdf) of the presentation I gave "presentation handout"
Dan Stephen, Kevin Bylund, Paul Bybee and Wes Ream, 2007, AMMONOID MASS MORTALITY BEDS IN THE LOWER TRIASSIC THAYNES FORMATION OF WESTERN UTAH, USA: Seventh International Symposium Cephalopods – Present and Past, 2007, Sapporo, Japan. Abstracts of Oral Presentations, pg. 33
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